Since we introduced the Flashlube Catch Can Pro we claimed it was large enough to handle all 4WD Applications and their aftermarket accessories.  We have supported this claim with efficiency graphs from the manufacturing plant in Germany, which show its extremely high performance up to 230 litres / min (a V8 7# Series Land Cruiser runs below 100L/min).  These graphs have been published on our website and inside the instructions of each product for well over 8 months now.

There have been some in the industry who have highlighted German references that limit the product to 100 kw and then claimed that our product is not large enough to handle a V8 engine.  Please be aware that these original references were formed for industrial engines running at constant high revolutions (the initial applications for this product before we then applied the product to the 4WD Aftermarket).

We don’t take these contradicting claims lightly and have conducted a mountain of further testing ourselves, with the manufacturer and even had tests conducted with the Perth University who are the leading Australian researcher in this field.  All have supported our initial claim “The FCC is large enough for all 4WD Applications.”

We then look at those who have made such claims. 1. Was an opposition company, another was a Facebook member who did not want to discuss it with Allan Gray and the 3rd was a retired 200 Series owner who said he had posted it on 6 Facebook pages and forums after reading the old German references and was now, after discussions and seeing our test results, comfortable that it was well within capacity.

As with many things on social media, opinions can be formed quickly and with little evidence.  We shall share our reports but please assure any distributors or customers, who ask about its capacity that we have tested our product over a number of years now and we believe we are one of the most knowledgeable organisations on the topic.  If it was not to capacity, we would adjust it but we know it is well within the parameters for 4WD applications.

If you have any questions about this matter you are welcome to direct them to myself, Sam Maio or Allan Gray.


Brent Hutchinson - Marketing Manager
245 Sunshine Road, Tottenham Victoria 3012 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)3 9325 9700
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