The makers of Australia's No 1. Selling Lead Replacement Additive, have now released Flashlube GDI Injection Cleaner.

Flashlube GDI (Gas Direct Injection) Cleaner helps disperse heat and increase the life of Fuel Injectors, while protecting and controlling contaminate build up on Injector nozzles & valves.

Flashlube GDI Injector Cleaner is the very latest in Sulphur free synthetic fuel additive technology, designed to clean the fuel system, protect with superior lubrication qualities, reduce combustion heat and keep your car running at peak performance & efficiency. 

The removal of sulphur from petrol and the introduction of gas to power vehicles has lead to an increase in combustion chamber heat. The reduction of lubricants in fuel, combined with the increased heat created from gas combustion causes elevated heat stress on exposed engine components, mainly within the combustion chamber, valves, injectors, pistons and rings.

Reports from Europe show that the incidence of blocked injectors increased four fold since the beginning of 2004, coinciding with the introduction of Low Sulphur fuel and gas powered vehicles.

Flashlube's superior lubricity additive will address these issues, and while reducing combustion heat and protecting engine components, work to keep your fuel system clean & free from carbon gum & varnish build up.

Flashlube GDI Injector Cleaner's unique synthetic Sulphur free formulation will also reduce exhaust emissions & improve fuel economy.


  • Flashlube Injector Cleaner is essential for use in all petrol powered:
  • Cars & Four Wheel Drives
  • Truck, Bus, & Commercial Vehicles
  • Agricultural, Industrial & Marine petrol applications
  • Anyone who wants to save money on fuel costs, improve vehicle performance & extend engine life.


  • Cleans Injectors & fuel systems
  • Extends injector life
  • Reduces Heat
  • Improves fuel economy
  • Improved Lubrication for - Injectors, pumps & upper cylinder area
  • Improves performance
  • Improves hard starting
  • Reduces harmful emissions
  • Extends engine life
  • Safe on sensors
  • Protects against corrosion
  • Smoother running engine

Treat Rate: 100ml treats 50 litres.
Add 2ml of GDI Injector cleaner per liter of fuel, directly into the fuel tank.

Part No:

FGDI250M - 250ML Gas Direct Injector Cleaner

FGDI500M - 500ML Gas Direct Injector Cleaner

FGDI1L - 1L Gas Direct Injector Cleaner

FGDI5L - 5L Gas Direct Injector Cleaner